If you’ve read this newsletter over the last few months you’ll know that I will be competing in the Ballroom Blitz at the Kravis Center on May 12th. Tickets are $150 and all money raised goes to fund the Police Athletic League.
I took many, many dance lessons
I danced on LIVE TV
Now it’s time for you to get your tickets and join me!
Dancer’s scores are based on the quality of the dance + the amount of $$$ raised for the Police Athletic League. I can dance my heart out, but without your support I can’t win.
1. Support me by donating ANY amount on this link!
2. Get a ticket ($150) and watch me make a fool of myself in person.
3. Buy a table ($1,500) and bring your whole office to make a fool of myself.
4. Buy a VIP table ($2,500) and bring your whole office to get an uncomfortably close view of me making a fool of myself.
The Kravis Center offered a GREAT opportunity to enjoy the dancing with a new “Spectator Ticket” which is $50 and doesn’t include Dinner & Drinks, but will allow you to come and enjoy the dancing (as well as vote on your favorite dancer). If you would like to sign up for this special ticket type “spectator” into the notes box when paying (or just let me know and I’ll mark you down).
Ticket sales are closing on MONDAY so you’ll have to get your orders in right away!