Reflejos – Guatemalan Art and Culture at The Box Gallery

Rolando, of The Box Gallery on Belvedere Rd. is hosting the #Reflejos International Fine Art Showcase at The Box Gallery. This exhibit features the work of passionate Guatemalan artists dedicated to promoting the beauty and depth of the Guatemalan culture.

The event is free and open to the public today Saturday, 4th of November.

4th of Nov from 3PM – 9PM

The Box Gallery
811 Belvedere Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33405

On Thursday, I had the opportunity to meet with about 20 of the artists and walk them down Clematis Street to show off some of our downtown murals. We started on the 500 block, walked through the back alleys, saw the massive new mural on East side of The Alexander. And finally ended up on Flagler Shore walking to Clematis by Night.

Seeing our downtown through the eyes of people who have never seen it before is a great experience. Walking through the streets, finding small, often missed, pieces left behind by the artists, coming around a corner and seeing their faces as they saw some of the spectacularly massive pieces of art that we have was amazing.

On Friday night I went to the VIP reception at The Box Gallery to see the artists again and enjoy their work. I have to admit that I was expecting to see more of the traditional Guatemalan Folk Art, but was surprised to see such a diverse and impressive collection of art and sculpture, in every style.

The Reflejos exhibit is organized by two groups: Colectivo Cinceles & Guatemala es Guatemala.

Guatemala es Guatemala is a cultural and artistic project that began in 2014 with 23 artists. The group is open to both renowned and emerging artists who wish to participate in various branches of art. The exhibit had success in Guatemala and Italy, and the Box Gallery in West Palm Beach is it’s first time in the United States.

Colectivo Cinceles was born in 2009 following the interest of Beverley Rowley to sculpt the exquisite stones found in Guatemala. The group grew and has gathered 40 artists who exhibit every two years both in Guatemala and internationally.

All proceeds are to benefit the work of The Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund and Ak’ Tenamit – Guatemala Tomorrow Fund, Ak’tenamit, Guatemala!

For tickets and information go to:

Hello world!

Exhibitition Curator: Brenda EstradaContact:

The Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund│PO Box 3636│Tequesta Florida 33469│561.747.9790││

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